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Is it possible to run an effective advertising campaign on Amazon with a small budget?

Blog > Is it possible to run an effective advertising campaign on Amazon with a small budget?

Is it possible to run an effective advertising campaign on Amazon with a small budget?

I don’t have much budget to advertise and I’ve never tried it so I have no visibility on how my product/customers react to sponsored content. My products are poorly ranked, as I am on a very competitive product. Is it possible to have an effective strategy without a lot of budget?
Vanessa B., founder of a pet accessories brand

Answer from our expert on Amazon

Yes, it is possible. The goal being to be lucrative as much as possible, we always start by accompanying you with reasonable budgets to reduce the risk and prove that advertising on Amazon will always be a profitable investment for you. We increase the budgets afterward according to the obtained results. We operate on a self-financing system where new strategies are financed by the return on investment of previous operations.

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